Air Conditioner Allergy and How to Prevent It

Air Conditioner Allergy and How to Prevent It

Air Conditioner Allergy and How to Prevent It - 81Aircon Servicing Company Singapore

Do your sinuses fail you when you enter your air-conditioned room and get back to normal when you leave? It’s a difficult balance - with the hot and humid weather we face throughout the year, nothing feels better than to turn on the air conditioner at full blast, and yet we start sniffling and coughing once the cool air hits us. 

Most of us think that the cold is not good for our noses, therefore causing these symptoms. However, is that really the case? 

You may have an air-conditioner allergy. A telltale sign is when you begin to feel sick the moment you switch on the air conditioner. We use the term “allergy”, but it’s more likely to be due to the airborne allergens that your air conditioner is circulating indoors. Yes - even if you buy an air conditioner and focus on 5 ticks model, this situation may still occur.

Thankfully, you can improve the situation by taking these measures. 

How an Air Conditioner Causes Allergy-like Symptoms 

Think about how an air conditioner works. It usually introduces conditioned air into the room while it regulates the air circulation inside. If a high concentration of harmful allergens is present, it will be transferred to your home and make you more vulnerable to air-conditioning allergy. 

Choose an Effective Air Filter

The air filter is your most important line of defence. It acts as a barrier against air pollutants, and has many different ratings and types to choose from. You can gauge its effectiveness using the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV). The higher this rating is, the better the air filter at blocking out detrimental particles. 
To ramp up the filtering, you can even get a HEPA filter, which is otherwise also known as an air conditioner allergy filter. It can block against 99.9% of harsh particles that makes it a highly ideal option. 

Apart from getting an effective air filter, you should also remember to clean and replace it regularly. This is very important in maintaining its efficacy. 

Clean Your Air Conditioner Regularly 

Like the air filters, it’s also essential to clean your air-conditioning system. This is because mild and mildew can accumulate inside the ducts. If you own a mini-split air conditioner, mold and mildew can also form all around the evaporator coils and drainage pans. 

If you use a ducted system, perform regular maintenance and get rid of mold or dirt that may have collected inside. It doesn’t matter what type of system you use - you need routine maintenance to ensure proper functioning. 

Maintenance allows you to get rid of potential substances that can lead to air-conditioning allergy. It also boosts your air conditioner’s lifespan. 

Use an Air Purifier 

Even though today’s air conditioners come with powerful filters, it doesn’t quite do the same job as air purifiers. Air purifiers are designed to purify indoor air and typically use HEPA filters and electrostatic fields to get rid of particles in the air. 

They also play a part in maintaining the air quality at home and keeping you and your loved ones healthy. 

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