4 Misconceptions of Topping Up Aircon Gas, Part 2

4 Misconceptions of Topping Up Aircon Gas, Part 2

Still unconvinced that you should wait out topping up your air conditioner’s gas? If the first part of this article series wasn’t enough to convince you to ring up your technician for a quick and much-needed aircon gas top up, read on for the rest to find out why it’s so important. It’s Not Part of Routine Maintenance Once upon a time, unfamiliar homeowners did not understand what regular air conditioner maintenance involved. In today’s modern society, knowledge is easily obtainable and rampant everywhere. Majority of air conditioner maintenance and servicing companies are forthcoming and clearly state what regular servicing includes. Because of how air conditioners are designed, one of the first steps a professional technician will take includes checking your unit for any leakage. The expert does this by flushing the system before he or she proceeds to top up the gas as needed. It Is Inexpensive to Avoid Topping Up Gas Thinking of skipping topping up the gas of your Mitsubishi Heavy aircon to save some money? Perhaps you’re hoping that not doing so and burying the problem will make it go away? The fact is that it will not, and it will come back to bite you where it really hurts, in more ways than one. As low refrigerant gas levels are mostly caused by leaks or breakage, failing to get an expert to diagnose the problem and rectify it will lead to growing holes and problems. If it goes beyond salvation, you may need to replace the entire component, which can be very costly. Low gas levels can cause the evaporator coils to freeze. This can cause not just the coil having to be repaired or replaced, but your entire unit. Refrigerant gases can also be toxic, especially if you’re using the older Freon model. Exposing it to the environment through leaks can pose significant health risks. Unrelated to the Overall Aircon Performance In the first part of this series, we’ve mentioned that low gas levels are related to the efficiency of your air conditioner. It can result in poor energy efficiency, which contributes to your energy consumption and increasing utility bills. Considering the hefty amount of energy these guzzlers consume, it’s a wise choice to cut back on those pesky utility costs. Avoid waiting until the problems blow up and get out of hand and perform regular checks to make sure that your gas levels are always optimal. Your Air Conditioner Can Still Operate Without It The different components of your air conditioner work together like a well-oiled engine. This is why, when one vital part is down, it pulls the rest of the parts along with it. At first glance, your unit may look like it’s still functioning perfectly fine, but after the first few months pass, problems will begin cropping up. If you don’t get your unit regularly serviced or maintained, you may not realise that there is something wrong with it. One day, it may just crash and fail without warning, leaving you in the sweltering heat without any cooling reprieve.


Topping up your aircon gas is a simple activity that should be done on a routine basis. This easy task will help to make your air conditioner last throughout its lifespan, and make sure that you’ll get the most use out of it.

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